My curiosity and insatiable desire to learn have led to an enriching and meaningful life. From 2000 to 2012, I worked as a professional actor in New York City, where I discovered a lasting passion for storytelling. I've also held various roles, including bartender, waiter, restaurant manager, and tasting room manager, and I've written stories for my personal project titled People of Wine Country. Additionally, I honorably served in the U.S. Navy.

I've lived in diverse places like Yokosuka, Japan; Florida; New York City; Los Angeles; and Napa Valley. My travels across the globe and throughout this beautiful country have allowed me to connect with and relate to people from all walks of life. Now, I reside in Charlotte, NC, with my wife, Danielle. I deeply value my marriage, good food, personal growth, honest speech, daily reflection, ongoing education, and maintaining a sense of humor through it all.

Currently, I work as an architectural photographer and travel writer, always on the lookout for the next great story. I'm venturing into curating content for my first exhibition, exploring the many faces of the American South and sharing my discoveries on social media.

Join me on this journey and contribute to the conversation. If you have a project to discuss, feel free to contact me at or call me directly at 646.491.1637. I look forward to connecting and learning more about your project.


In 2025, I will be lauching my first exhibition titled-


My goal is to create a sacred space where guests can learn, heal, and reflect on this dark chapter of our history. At the heart of the exhibition will be 24 to 36 fine art prints of slave quarters from across the American South, accompanied by audio narrations sharing the personal stories of former slaves.

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